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Why Those "Make 10K/Month" Programs Are Often A Waste Of Money

Jun 21, 2021
Brian Ellwood
Why Those "Make 10K/Month" Programs Are Often A Waste Of Money

Have you ever joined (or thought about joining) one of those programs that tells you they'll "help you make 10K/month"?

If you did, I'm curious whether you got the outcome or not...

If you didn't, then I highly encourage you to take 15 minutes of your time and listen to this episode BEFORE making the decision to hop into one of those.

In the episode I go over why, for me, those programs fell short.

It turns out, I was missing a set of key FOUNDATIONAL clarities.

There were a handful of issues that just couldn't be cleared up by more leads, more followers, more sales calls...

I dive into all of that in today's show...and make sure to listen to the end because I have a very special limited time offer available right now :)



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Are you a coach who has struggled with any of the following?

-clearly defining who your ideal client is
-clearly defining the specific outcome you create for them
-ensuring you have 100% confidence you can deliver the outcome
-packaging up your actual product to deliver the outcome (and provide you the lifestyle you want)

If so, I've been hard at work on a gift-wrapped solution that will provide you with all of this...

So that you can be clear in your content about who you serve and what you help them with AND talk about your products with excitement and confidence.

I've got just 8 spots left in a brand new program called NAIL YOUR NICHE. Not only will you get lifetime access to an online course that walks you through the process, as a founding member you'll also have email support AND 1:1 calls with me to guide you through the process.

Oh, did I mention you'll be getting in at a discount, too?

Once the 8 spots are taken up, they're gone, and the course will be sold on it's own at a higher price & without the 1:1 calls)

In order to find out if it's a fit, shoot me an email at:

[email protected]

Let's have a quick back-and-forth to see if it makes sense based upon where you're at in your business.

If you need help with your niche (avatar, offer, product, etc.), then I PROMISE you this is the best program on the market today.


When You're Ready, Here's How I Can Help:

Book a Clarity Call

Let's talk about how I can help you get more clients & grow your creator business.

Book a Clarity Call

Work With Me 1:1

Get help writing a book that gains you respect in your field and brings clients to your door.

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