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Top 4 Benefits of Writing a Book - #3: A 300% Increase in Credibility

Jul 06, 2022

I've self published two books now, and there are 4 key benefits I've experienced as a result.


In this post let's talk about benefit #3 - exploding your credibility.

We all know that having published a book increases your credibility. It turns out, one company actually attempted to quantify just how much your credibility increases when you write a book. 

Here’s what I found on

“Did you know that by becoming a published author, you can increase your credibility factor by 300%! Studies by the Reputation Institute and other marketing consultancies reveal that publishing a book is the top “credible” marketing method for today's service providers.”

Now, we can all laugh a little at any type of “credibility statistic” like that, but still, it’s hard to ignore that the credibility boost you get from having written a book is significant.

I’m not surprised that they found a 300% increase in credibility. I would guess that, for you, you stand to gain anywhere from 50% up to even a 500% increase in credibility after your book is published.

Again, made up numbers, but it’s cool to start to put any numbers around what writing a book could do for you. 

When I tell people I have published two books, their eyebrows often raise. “Wow” they say. My friends, family, and colleagues share my book with others and on social media.

It’s important to note that they’ve never shared one of my social media posts or any content I’ve created online.

But for whatever reason, the book is looked at as something entirely different.

In some ways, it is. Books are big projects that take a lot more work than writing a post. 

But I’ll be real with you…writing a book isn’t that hard. It’s not some exclusive thing that should separate “authors” from “everyone else”.

In fact, the main reason people give so much credibility to authors is because they’ve figured out a complicated puzzle that many others have tried and failed at.

I previously wrote about how 97% of people who start a book never finish. That’s a staggering number. Out of every 100 people who excitedly start writing their manuscript, only three actually take it all the way to the finish line.

I think if more people finished their books, there would be a lot less credibility given to authors overall.

So, you stand to gain a huge boost in credibility (that will literally grow your business) if you can just be one of the rare 3% who get their book to the finish line. 

If you want to do that, you need to overcome the 4 big reasons why most writers never publish their book.

I just released a 4 video series on Youtube that explains the top 4 reasons why most authors don’t finish their books, you can find that here:

If you are in the online coaching/expert space and you are ready to boost your credibility (and want to self-publish your book by the end of 2022)...

the Coach to Author 90 Day Intensive is designed to do just that.

Here's some highlights of what the program includes:

  • 12 weekly 1:1 writing sessions with me - where I coach you and write with you
  • Working directly with my personal editor & designer: who will edit and format your book and design your cover, all at no additional charge
  • Crafting your readers journey ahead of time so that, after reading your book, there is a clear path to working with you in a high ticket program
  • Rebuilding your backend offer (this is a part of the bullet point above)
  • A spread out payment plan (where you don't make the final payment until your book is live on Amazon)
  • My "no brainer guarantee" to continue working with you until your book has (at least) made you back the money you invest in my program

This is just a smidgen of what the program includes. It's a soup-to-nuts, white glove type of service.

Essentially, we need your manuscript done, and we can handle most of the rest, with your input (on things like the cover and editing decisions)

And, the manuscript is what I dive in and help you with, for 12 weeks straight.

If you've already started your book and just need some help getting to the finish line, even better.

The only way to join the program is to send me a short email ([email protected]) telling me about your situation and goals (2-3 sentences max).

Next, I'll ask to do a 20-30 minute call with you to make sure it's a fit before we get rolling.

Here's to you becoming an author in 2022!



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