The Haunting Lesson I Learned From Becoming a Dad.
Jun 10, 2024
The past four years have changed me for good.
I've been a Dad for almost four years now.
We have two girls:
Lilly is one, and Everley is almost 4.
These two little rats make me belly laugh multiple times a day.
They fill my heart with love.
The work it takes to raise them is also insane. I'm fatigued like never before.
My nightly relaxing routine (after getting them to bed at 8:30pm) is:
↪ head to the kitchen
↪ toss on my pink rubber gloves,
↪ do dishes and clean for another 45 minutes
It's the best (and hardest earned) love there is.
If you know you know.
Lately, I've been beating myself up for not getting things more established (in my business) before I became a Dad.
↪ I wish I had discovered my offer earlier.
↪ I wish I would have built more systems
↪ I wish I would have started building my audience sooner
What I really wish?
I wish I had more time and energy to devote to my girls.
But, I missed the boat on that. So now I'm in the thick of fatherhood and business building at the same time.
I'm going to laugh about this one day. But now, it's hard.
Here's the unforgettable business lesson this has taught me:
Businesses exists to serve our lives (not the other way around).
A business should be a machine. A series of systems that produces one thing above all others:
A great lifestyle for you. One where you get to do what matters.
It's too easy to get trapped in the hustle...
To buy into the dream...
To forget to architect the thing backwards (starting from the lifestyle you want).
This is a lesson I will take with me from here on.
I'm building for lifestyle.
I'm curious — have you felt the same way?
Build On,
PS. Whenever you are ready, there are 3 ways I can help you:
#1: Ready to publish a book that grows your brand and brings in high quality clients? Let's chat. >>> Click here to schedule an Author Clarity Call with me (packages start at 1K/month)
(If you're looking for help with niche/offer, feel free to book a call too. I have options for you as well.)
#2: Want me to write content for you (social posts, newsletters, etc.) to grow your brand and bring in clients? Inquire about my content creation offers by hitting "reply" to this email and telling me about your needs.
#3: Check out my YouTube Channel and Podcast (iTunes and Spotify) where I publish weekly value-packed content to help you thrive as a creator.
Also, follow me on Instagram and LinkedIn for more content on creator business, writing, spiritual growth, and fatherhood.