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Is Selling Low Ticket Products Unethical?

Jan 08, 2021

Low Ticket products can't possibly deliver on their promise 99% of the time...

How you position them can be misleading for your clients...

Plus, you'll never make much $ with them anyways when you're in the early stages of figuring out your business.

You're passionate about your area of expertise.

You have a message you know the world needs to hear.

You've tried books, online courses, 1-on-1 coaching, webinars, and paid ads even...

Yet none of that has really worked to create a predictable stream of revenue for your coaching business.

You're also bogged down in fulfillment by working with too many 1-on-1 clients...

Sometimes your clients even drain your energy!

Is something wrong with you?

Actually, no. The problem is with your business. It's not built on the proper foundations, using the correct offer, or delivery model.

If you want to talk about some simple shifts to completely fix that (and create the coaching biz you dream about)....

Send me a message here saying READY and let's talk:


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