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Invitation To Work With Me 1:1

May 03, 2021


This is an invitation to successful entrepreneurs who want to start an online education business so they can shift their focus from making more money to sharing their message and helping others improve their lives.

We work together for 6 weeks on the following:

1) Define The Impact You Want To Make - We will complete a process that helps define the type of client you'd love to serve, their starting point, and the outcome you want to create for them. Not being clear on these things is where most people fail. You are likely experienced in multiple areas, but we need to uncover what you're most inspired by. Sometimes this will be a different niche than the one you have a track record in. Having one or two deep conversations with me on these topics has prevented many of my clients from going down the wrong path.

2) Build Your Program - Together we will build the exact program that you will take your clients through. This involves writing up your offer so you can talk about it (similar to how I have in this post) as well as shaping the finer details of your program, like deciding whether you will coach 1:1, in a group, leverage an online course to help with teaching, etc. I have years of experience coaching clients 1:1 and in groups of up to 15 people, so I can share the pros and cons of each. We will also factor in the day-to-day lifestyle you want your business to provide and that will help inform how we build your program.

3) Connect With Prospects - Once you nail #1 and #2, it’s time to start creating conversations with potential clients. This is when we define how you want to put your message out to the market. This includes choosing a format (audio, video, text) that you enjoy creating and a platform where it makes sense to publish. I will show you the proven framework for structuring each piece of content so that it gets prospects reaching out to you expressing interest in working together. We will also come up with a simple, fun sales process for going from conversing with prospects to enrolling them as clients.

4) Establish Your Daily Routine - Once we’ve laid the foundation of your business via #’s 1-3, we will build a simple routine you can follow so that you know exactly what to do when you sit down to work. This routine will provide you with a checklist of the most important activities and take the guesswork out of your work days. 90% of what I do every day comes from my daily routine spreadsheet, and I’ll reveal what I do and help you build your own.

We will talk 1:1 once per week for 6 weeks. I’ll give you specific assignments in between our calls. You will have access to me via Facebook Messenger throughout the 6 weeks for any questions.

The ideal person for this offer is a successful entrepreneur who makes multiple six figures and has experience & wisdom in multiple areas but needs a clear roadmap for entering the education space.

The 6 week workshop is a mid-four-figure investment, which is a steal considering that you will avoid wasting time focusing on the wrong things and lay the foundation for the business that gives you a platform to share your voice, help others, and make a real difference in the world.

(Even though we’re mostly about making a difference here, I should include that most of my clients hit the six figure per year mark within their first year of launching their business)

If you’re interested, shoot me a DM and we’ll chat over Messenger to see if it’s a fit or not. I’ll be able to tell within a short messenger conversation whether this would be a good fit for you or not. If it is, we can get you started in the workshop ASAP. 😎

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