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How To Replace Your Income Using Long Distance BRRR w/ Whitney Elkins-Hutten

Aug 03, 2020

Are you scared to make the leap to doing deals long distance?

Are you in a position where you need to find deals that require little to no cash?

Do you live somewhere that's too expensive for rentals?

If any of these apply to you, you're definitely going to want to listen to what Whitney has to say.

Whitney started out in a 9-5, much like many of us, but wasn't satisfied with the lack of control over her time.

She buckled down, got her first couple of flips done, and then began investing in rentals out of state.

In as little as 2 years, she looked up and had enough properties to pay for all the bills!

Now, she still does BRRR deals and also invests in multifamily syndications...

She also helps other people follow down the same path to financial freedom that she took!

Check out Whitney's website & coaching here:

Contact Whitney here:

[email protected]

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