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An Unfortunate Reality (Regarding Your Coaching Business)

Apr 05, 2024

Imagine you had a friend who wanted to compete in a bodybuilding contest 9 months from now.

You met up with them to ask how the preparation was going.

They said:

"Well, I haven't started working out yet. I'm planning to analyze a few different workout programs first."

"Wait" you said..

"You are competing in a bodybuilding contest 9 months from now and you haven't lifted a single weight yet?"

You know your skinny friend wouldn't stand a chance.

Preparing for a contest like that takes years (no matter how good their workout routine was).

When I talk to aspiring coaches and creators...

Those that plan to get customers and clients very soon...

I often quickly learn that they are generating exactly zero leads at the moment.

Their audience size: 0

Their email list: 0

Their network: close to nothing

I think about them the same way I do about our hypothetical bodybuilder:

You're screwed.

Ok, that's a little strong.

What I mean is:

It's going to take them a long time to build an audience big enough to generate those clients they dream of.

They should have started years ago.

But that's in the past.

The crazy part?

They still aren't starting now.

They really want to win that bodybuilding contest.

But the dumbbells in their basement remain dusty as hell.

Look, if you can afford 5K/mo to an advertising agency...

Plus at least 5-10K/mo in ad spend...

And your offer is amazing (and proven)...

You may be able to circumvent the grueling process of building an organic audience.

But that's not most people.

So, I'm just saying:

For every day that goes by where you are not actively building an audience + email list...

You're pushing back the date that you can "win" that contest.

That's my love letter for the day.

Hope it helps :)


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