What I Do

Hey, thanks for being here and wanting to learn a little bit more about me and what I do.

I originally escaped Corporate America through the world of real estate investing. 

I built a 7 figure house flipping business and purchased several dozen rental properties.

After that, I became an online coach and helped my clients buy their 1st rental properties.

I did this for around 4 years and helped over 200 clients get their first properties, many of which have since quit their jobs and become full-time investors.

Through the process, I fell in love with the online education and coaching business.

I started to help clients start their coaching businesses and pivoted away from real estate coaching.

I now help coaches break into the online education space and scale their businesses into the six figure range. 

I've written two books, Fire Yourself (about hiring sales reps for real estate investing companies) and Nail Your Niche (about growing your coaching business to six figures).

When I'm not working on my business, I'm spending time with my two girls - my sweet, beautiful wife Carleigh, and our AMAZING daughter Everley (who has completely stolen my heart).

I love snowboarding, rock climbing, kickboxing, video games, rap music, good coffee and beer, texas hold 'em, watching UFC fights, and trying to maintain my gangster into my late 30's.